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Welding blankets

In our commitment to improve job security, we have designed protective blankets for cutting and welding jobs.

Welding blankets

The THERMATRON blankets are characterized by their versatility, since different blankets can be joined by means of fixings to create a single large blanket, thus allowing it to be easy to store.

The system avoids that the projections affect the rest of the facilities or the workers themselves, therefore, THERMATRON protection blankets favor compliance with the OSHAS 18001 standard of protection in the work environment.


  • Maintain a distance of approximately 20 cm between the cutting or welding spot and the protection blanket.
  • When the blanket is upright or inclined, it is convenient to set a cavity to collect chips or debris.
  • Shake or sweep the blanket to remove dirt from sparks and chips from the weld.


  • Maximum temperature: Up to 1,000ºC
  • resistance to fire: Fireproof (does not spread flame)
  • Thickness: 1.20 mm
  • Maximum width: +1,000 mm
  • Color: Greenish blue